1.1. SAFBAF already in 2008 made a submission to FIPS-ed to consider the approval of a FIPS-ed Africa Continental Championships or Africa Regional Championships as a substitution for the current Zone 6 Bank Angling Competition. SAFBAF feels the need for an African based tournament of a greater magnitude such as a continental championship.
1.2. The reason for this request is because the National Colours Board of South Africa intent to only award national colours to teams participating in major international competitions such as world championships, world games and continental championships and other major events approved by the international controlling bodies.
1.3. As from 2010 SAFBAF will no longer award Protea Colours to members participating in the Zone 6 Tournament. This is due to the degrading standard of the Zone 6 tournaments. Namibia and Zimbabwe are no longer able to comply with the Zone 6Constitution regarding fully representative international teams. Every year SAFBAF has to adapt to smaller teams to accommodate neighbouring countries. This is not acceptable to SAFBAF.
1.4. The withdrawal of National Colours from this facet of angling will have a devastating effect on the freshwater bank angling sport and the angling industry in Southern Africa. The SAFBAF Management therefore in the interest of its members try to introduce complaisant measures to fill the vacuum due to the Zone 6 not being a interventional tournament suitable for the awarding of national colours.
1.5. The FIPS-ed General Assembly approve the regional African tournament concept especially because the South African request was in line with a CIPS motion asking for the division of the world in geographic angling regions. SAFBAF sees this as a great break true. FIPS-ed will with the implementation of geographical zones becomes the event owner and their rules and regulations will be applicable to such regional competitions. This will automatically lift the standard of regional competitions as compared to the present Zone 6 competitions.
2.1. SAFBAF applied for the approval of "feeder angling" as a new FIPS-ed discipline. Feeder angling is almost equivalent to the traditional bank angling method practice in South Africa. This angling method is also widely practice in Europe and countries on other continents.
2.2. South Africa need a “International African Feeder Angling Competition" that is open not only to African countries and but also to all FIPS-ed members wishing to participate in this tournament. This will lift the status and standard of the tournament and make it a tournament suitable for the awarding of national colours.
2.3. After a discussion of the South African motion, the General Assembly approves the establishment of a new FIPS-ed Feeder Angling discipline. A substantial number of countries (13) show interest in feeder angling. A SAFBAF request to address the General Assembly and to make a DVD presentation to demonstrate the feeder angling method never realised.
2.4. As a further incentive, the FIPS-ed General Assembly also approves the South African request for a World Feeder Angling Championships. This request was also granted by FIPS-ed on condition that at least six or more nations enrol for the championships. These championships could be a reality as soon as in the year 2012.
3. Discussion
3.1 What is the changes that have to take place when Feeder Angling is introduced into South-Africa?
1) Will have to fish with minimum 0.30 mm line. No leader line required
2) Only 1 hook - Not the traditional 2 hooks.
3) Keepnets have to change. Will be the same as the speciment anglers are using.
4) Unhooking mats
5) Not allowed to play your fish outside your fishng area. Will be disqualified if landed outside your fishing area.
6) As I understand the point system will also change to weight and not the amount of fish.
Any Comments???
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